Next release will have a customizable coloring system. See the new roadmap for more upcoming features.
Unmined 0.4.250dev
What’s new in 0.4.250dev (download):
- Added transparent background option to Google Maps generator
- Added Open folder context menu item to folder tree
- Added Copy location and Go to context menu items to map
- Added ID set manager
- Added mod configuration file support
- Removed LCTrees ID set (I cannot maintanin it, sorry)
- Updated ExtraBiomesXL ID set to 3.1.0
- Updated Vanilla ID set to Minecraft
Unmined now can read actual block and biome IDs from configuration files created by Minecraft mods. Screenshots below show how to set up ExtraBiomesXL:
Unmined 0.4.242dev
What’s new in 0.4.242dev (download):
- Improved Google Maps generator:
- Balanced progress indicator
- Added Minecraft block coordinate transformation functions (see this
example) - Does not overwrite index.html
Unmined 0.4.241dev
Voting time
I need some feedback about the dev release. Please download the latest version and vote, thanks!
Updating speed of dev release on my machine is...
- 0-49 chunks/second (11%, 4 Votes)
- 50-99 chunks/second (29%, 11 Votes)
- 100-199 chunks/second (26%, 10 Votes)
- 200-299 chunks/second (11%, 4 Votes)
- 300+ chunks/second (24%, 9 Votes)
- freezes / doesn't work (0%, 0 Votes)
Total Voters: 38

Unmined 0.4.236dev
What’s new in 0.4.236dev (download):
- Added option to hide glass blocks
- Added progress and speed indicator
Outpost 11
Unmined 0.4.235dev
Unmined 0.4.232dev
What’s new in 0.4.232dev (download):
- Improved performance
- Restored single image export function
- Added transparent background option
- Added set for ExtraBiomesXL