This is an archive site for the older releases of uNmINeD, a Minecraft mapper tool.
The new site is available at
Archive downloads for Minecraft 1.12
For Minecraft 1.2 to 1.12.x on Windows 7/8/10:
Unmined 0.10.331dev.b for Windows (101518 downloads )No installation required. Extract all ZIP contents anywhere and start the application.
Win7 users: download and install the .NET Framework 4.5 from Microsoft.
uNmINeD is free.
You can support the project via Patreon or donate via PayPal.
Downloaded 259514 times.
Previous releases:
Unmined 0.10.331dev for Windows (40910 downloads )
Unmined 0.9.324dev for Windows 7/8 (10196 downloads )
Old versions for Windows XP